ONO Lean Logistics & KanbanBOX

The electronic kanban implementation

The Lean philosophy states that we must eliminate activities that do not bring value and reduce waste. We are talking about overproduction and stocks, but waste also means extra movements, transport, expectations, and movement of people.

What links Lean Philosophy, KanbanBOX, and ONO Lean Logistics? We’ll tell you a story, the story of these two realities that have been collaborating for almost 10 years.



KanbanBOX is a Supply Chain Management Software for the lean management of the material’s flow in Purchase, Production, and Logistics according to the Kanban logic; it involves the creation of dimensioned warehouses along the productive process, called Supermarket.

ONO Lean Logistics is a solution to effectively store materials, save space, and make them available to operators in production areas according to intelligent logic. We are talking about automatic, scalable, connected, and modular vertical warehouses. Lean thinking concepts also make ONO Systems the new market reference for assembly lines and production plants.

“ONO Lean Logistics is a flexible and scalable solution, which goes beyond the concept of automatic warehouse and answers to the concept of Kaizen (continuous improvement). You can install a module and expand it later”

Francesco Dall’Oca

“KanbanBOX is a very intuitive platform that helps check the consumption and production of materials according to the best rules. It is possible to extend it to the whole supply chain, making the relationship with the customers and external suppliers easier. It enables the productive force to gain efficiency and it doesn’t create stock inside one’s own company”

Thomas Ambrosi

The two companies have been collaborating since 2015: the perfect combo has been the growth they have faced together over the years. This was the key: the needs of ONO have found the answer and advantage in KanbanBOX; at the same time, KanbanBOX has evolved, exploring new features thanks to ONO Lean Logistics’ demands.


Let’s know better Francesco and Thomas, discover in depth how they met and which projects they created together!