Dealing with Exceptional Orders with Synchro Cards in KanbanBOX

synchro cards

Even if your company has implemented a Kanban System, it may need to manage orders that fall outside the traditional Kanban framework.

If you’re already using an e-Kanban System, it’s easier to centralize other types of orders and manage exceptional scenarios within the same software.

The most common cases you may face are the following.

  1. You are dealing with a production spike, limited to a period (Extra-Kanban).
  2. You can’t put some specific material you manage on Kanban (Non-Kanban orders).

For these distinct purposes, we designed the Synchro cards in KanbanBOX and in this article we’ll introduce them.

What are Synchro Cards

Synchro Cards represent extra Kanban or non-Kanban materials in your Kanban board, in KanbanBOX.

You can easily distinguish them from the Kanban cards, thanks to their colored top right corner.

Managing special orders on the board allows the using of the same software for different scenarios, making work easier and faster. You have everything under control at the same time. Furthermore, it drastically reduces the learning curve associated with the software.

How Synchro Cards work

Now we’ll describe how Synchro cards work for both production spike and for non-Kanban orders.

As you’ve understood, the same feature addresses two different problems. Therefore, we suggest reading also the in-depth articles and consult our Help Desk to learn the specificities of both cases.

Simply put, Synchro Cards are used for time-bound and specific orders. Once the orders are fulfilled, the cards disappear from the Kanban board. Indeed, they don’t trigger a replenishment process, differently from the Kanban cards.

Synchro Cards for Production Spike

Let’s imagine a customer of yours has an extraordinary need for material once per year. It places the order, which, once fulfilled, won’t be placed again for another year.

In this example, you can create the so-called Extra-Kanban and manage the Extra-orders without impacting the usual pace on the long run, or compromising your Kanban statistics.

Synchro Cards for Non-Kanban Orders

When you decided to embrace the Kanban method, the first thing you did was choosing which components to put on Kanban.

What about all the others? You can keep managing them separately, or you can visualize them in KanbanBOX, although following a different policy.

Different process on the same platform

Synchro cards in KanbanBOX offer a flexible solution, ensuring smooth operations even for non-traditional orders and for those situation in which production leveling is not possible.

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